Saturday, 29 January 2022

Huge star

 Did you know that Sun is actually not the biggest thing in solar system  this is one of a name that it bigger than the sun R136a1 you should check it out  it way to massive, and have you heard about the Observable Universe ,we cant even see the sun comparing it like, so as the milky way. well not to long for the R136a1 will die in three million year I hope it wont damage earth, well after billions of year the sun will explode and it could be the end of the world. Do you know the Cat's Eye Nebula it Massive. How big is Sirius? They may contain the mass of one or two Suns but it 20 kilometre to 40. Many people believe that you could you actually live on Mars about 3 or 4 billion year ago well it had oxygen surface that had water but my something that is so cool from NASA they found oxygen on Mars surface.

Friday, 28 January 2022

Haunted Place

 Have you ever been to the most haunted place I have not been to most haunted place I have been in a haunted house which i'm still living in so my house actually have a person that passed away and then became a spirit I have always been scared because it felt like something is behind but now that i'm use to the spirit i'm not that scared I sometime shower up stair at night when my family is down stair but I know that the Dhamma Buddha is beside me.  

Thursday, 27 January 2022


 In life there are so much history I still remember a history of the Black death the Black death was actually a pandemic. The plague that caused the Black Death originated in China in the early to mid-1300s and spread along trade routes westward to the Mediterranean and northern Africa. It reached southern England in 1348 and northern Britain and Scandinavia by 1350. The black death ended in 1352.  Wait did you know this was one of the world longest pandemic and was name as  Third plague pandemic this is how long it took 1855-1945 and the second plague pandemic took so long this is how long it took 1346-1840 I sure do hope this Covid 19 end. 

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

School is nearly there

✋ Did you know that it nearly school are you excited? What could you do while your at home, I mostly play outside but if its raining I would sometime go on my device or I play with my sister or mum or my dad, sometime I just watch TV. I cant wait to get to school because last year it was quite hard to get to school because of the Covid, this Covid have been going through 4 year! But we know that this COVID is going to end. I hope that next year wont get to much Covid but luckily I am going to get my second vaccine to keep me safe from this Covid but it going to be a long time to get my 3 vaccine 

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Missing my family

 At Mymmar 🇲🇲 my family is there my grandma my little cousin are there and it very fun being at Mymmar but it sad cause of this COVID I really want see my family but I can’t but I really hope that one day I get to see my family and also I want to become I  Monk because my religion is Buddhists I still remember  all the time I had fun at Mymmar but now that there is this pandemic human can’t really go out. But we know that one day this pandemic won’t last forever But life is just life we can’t stop every pandemic and for all the doctors thank you so much for keeping us safe and for the Prime minister thank for telling us the right thing to do and how to keep our self safe.

Saturday, 22 January 2022

SLJ Last day BLOG

 My most favourite activity was the bridge builder I loved it because I also want to become a Engineer when I grown up and if not then the Cop or a Military.

I found the origami hard it was because it was complicated and I never said origami was easy.

Three thing I learned from SLJ team is be creative have some fun and take some time to do it.

What I would like to see more next year is some Engineering and some reading .

Thursday, 20 January 2022


 Yesterday I got my first vaccine my arm hurt a little bit I had no headache till today I got the vaccine in Panmure because I lived near Panmure I had to wait 10 which most people know after the ten minutes we went back home with my new car with was RAV4 which was in black you can even open the roof! I quite scared of getting the 2 vaccine because it gonna get in bed for almost the whole day.

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Stay Safe

 This year has not started of great because of the new Covid which got mixed up by the flu and the Covid which made a worst pandemic made my Israel which easily spread all over the world which with this disease life would be harder than before but if we stay in our own bubble and listen to the law of the new pandemic we can make the lovely old people stay safe and to succeed it  we do it to make our community happy and the people
we love stay safe because this pandemic is 3 
different Covid and the last one could spread to children easily so now it spread all over to human let start working out at home and don't forget the booster dose for the omicron.

Friday, 7 January 2022

Is it loud SLJ

 Hmm can you go to sleep this is what I made to make it more quiet if your neighbours is loud use this then buying it. what I just made is simple cut a cleaning ear stick using the soft bit and now it sounds quiet.

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