Monday, 31 May 2021

The Birthday Boy

On Sunday I went to Mon school We learned first then after we ate some noodle there was quite a lot of people at Mon school. You can also call Mon school the Mon temple. After all of the people ate we went to sing a song for our cousin and his nickname was Nick he was turning 18. We all sang the birthday song to our cousin. After we had finished singing the song we cut the cake into pieces we first gave it to the birthday guy, in my mind I was thinking that cake would taste awesome! So we all waited to eat the cake, the cake was a chocolate cake with cherry and cream on top. When I got the cake I went outside and ate it then I said "I knew it!" the cake tasted so good it felt like I was in a peaceful place eating the cake. I then asked my friends "Do you like the cake guys?" Then my friends replied "Yes". After that my mum said we have to go home so me and my sister went home with my mum when we got home it was raining ice just a little but the rain was kinda a lot, my mum sawed my dad and my mum said to help my dad so we went out the car and help our dad with the clothes that we hang.

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